Founded in 1973, the Texas American Saddle Horse Association (TASHA) is a Charter Club Member of the American Saddlebred Horse Association headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky.
The first Board of Directors was George Roberts Jr., Charlie Isom, & Margie Newton closely supported by Lenoir Roberts, Dorothy Dukes Ford, and Edmund and Ada Perwien. Among the first ASHA charter clubs founded, the group’s mission statement was “to organize a horse show circuit in Texas, promote the education of people in Texas in the breeding, care, use, handling & development of the American Saddlebred Horse, encourage good sportsmanship and proper conduct among horsemen & women, foster good fellowship, encourage proper and humane handling & care of the American Saddlebred horse and prevent cruelty to animals.
Two decades of TASHA shows were held at the Bear Creek Arena in west Houston, Supreme Acres Stables in Stafford (Fort Bend Co.), and in Liberty County before making a move to Great Southwest Equestrian Center in Katy and more recently also in Bryan, TX. TASHA has benefitted several charities in & out of the Houston community as well as encouraged it’s youth to make the most of their horses & education. Just a few of these projects are: Art Contest for the Cover of the annual membership directory, essay contests for a youth scholarship, pet adoption events held at shows, the Southwest Circuit Invitational World Cup Competition where riders from the U.S. & South Africa enjoyed team competition during the show, Ride for the Rescue & Barn Challenge events to benefit Saddlebred Rescue, fundraisers for the American Heart Association and several more.
TASHA continues today as one of the most active & largest charter clubs in the United States. Our board and members remain committed to the mission of our founders and continually strive to strengthen the Texas American Saddlebred community.