In 2007, TASHA created the Hall of Fame to recognize outstanding individuals to Breed and the State. In 2012, all three state charter clubs combined to form the Texas Saddlebred Hall of Fame to continue to provide this recognition. Continuing the tradition, in 2018 the remaining clubs in the state, NTASHA & TASHA, transitioned the presentations to the Pin Oak Charity Horse Show.
Hall of Fame Inductees
May Chadick, 2023
Joan Robinson Hill (Posthumous), 2023
Rebecca Taggart, 2021
George & Lenoir Roberts, 2020
Joan Cantrell, 2020
Charlie Smith, 2019
Janie Hamilton, 2019
Sandra Currier, 2018
Pete Galanos, 2017
Mike Breeggemann, 2017
Jean Huffstickler, 2016
Dale Milligan, 2016
Candee Carlson, 2015
Dan Mize, 2015
Bob Marco, 2014
Marty Alan Wernle, 2014
Jack McGill, 2013
Jim Bray, 2013
Don Roby, 2012
Lee Shipman, 2012
Lonnie Quarles, 2011
Jim Skipton, 2011
Beaulah & Elton Cates, 2010
Patty Milligan, 2009
Sue Roby, 2008
Dorothy Dukes Ford, 2008
Charlie Isom, 2007
Ed & Ada Perwien, 2007
Criteria for Inductees
The Texas Hall of Fame honors a person for his or her contributions to the Texas American Saddlebred industry and dedication to the improvement and promotion of the breed.
Nominations and Selection
Nominator must submit in writing a brief biography of the nominee and nominating member's opinion as to why this person should be inducted into the Texas Hall of Fame. More than one nominee may be submitted by the same nominating member.
Barring special circumstances (i.e., husband and wife team or another circumstance to be reviewed by the boards), only one deceased, and/or one living person will be inducted per year.
Nominations should be submitted to the current president of NTASHA or TASHA when invited (timing depends on the date of the award banquet). The full boards will coordinate the review and selection of the nominees.
Induction of Nominees will occur at the Pin Oak Charity Horse Show during the Friday night Saddlebred performance session.