What TASHA Membership Can Do For You!

  • Member Perks

    Annual TASHA High Point Award Program &

    Southwest Circuit High Point Award Program

    Supports two 3-day horse shows annually

    Provides venue for high school and charter school youth groups to fulfill community service requirements

    Maintains ASHBA Charter Club status which provides discount on membership in the American Saddlebred Horse & Breeders Association (ASHBA) along with other discounts

    TASHA shows qualify for Kentucky State Fair qualifying points in the Show Pleasure, Country Pleasure and Park Divisions

    Hosts an annual Membership Meeting/Luncheon for all attending the December Holiday Horse Show

    Gives welcome gifts to all barns attending our shows

    Helps coordinate, sponsor, and maintain the Texas Hall of Fame program

    Sponsors classes at the Pin Oak Charity Horse Show & other SWC shows

    Co-Sponsors the cost of point calculation and cost of Southwest Circuit awards with NTASHA & LASHA.

  • TASHA Membership Options

    $20 Junior Exhibitor Membership (No Vote)

    $30 Adult Membership

    $40 Family Membership (One Adult Vote)

    $300 Lifetime Membership (Adult)

    *All Members will have the $20 Administration Fee waived at all shows!